Marty and Karla Grant

Husband: William Hatcher
Born: 1614 in England
Died: about 1680
Wife: ?
01 (M): Edward Hatcher
Born: 1633 in England
Died: 28 SEP 1711 in Henrico Co, VA
Spouses: Mary Ward
02 (M): Henry Hatcher
Born: 1637 in Henrico Co, VA
Died: 1677 in Henrico Co, VA
Spouses: Anne Lound
03 (M): William Hatcher
Born: 1639 in Henrico Co, VA
Died: APR 1680 in Henrico Co, VA
04 (F): Jane Hatcher
Born: 1640 in Henrico Co, VA
Died: JAN 1709/1710 in Henrico Co, VA
Spouses: William Branch; William Baugh, Jr; Abel Gower
05 (M): John Hatcher
Born: 1642 in Henrico Co, VA
06 (F): Susannah Hatcher
Born: 1642 in Henrico Co, VA
Died: 01 DEC 1699
Spouses: John Stewart; Thomas Burton
07 (M): Benjamin Hatcher
Born: 1644 in Henrico Co, VA
Died: OCT 1728 in Henrico Co, VA
Spouses: Elizabeth Greenhaugh
08 (F): Elizabeth Hatcher
Born: 1646 in Henrico Co, VA
Additional Information

William Hatcher:


!NOTES:Karla Grant's 10x Great Grand Father.;


!NOTE:Birthplace of Careby, Lincolnshire, England per Donna Ruggles Scott <> from website at: <>;

!TAXLIST:1679 Henrico Co, VA Mr HATCHER Sen, 5 polls;

!NOTE:Below Will courtesy of Nel Hatcher.

!WILL:22 Feb 1676/77 Henrico Co, VA Att a Court Holden at Varina For the County of Henrico the first day of April (by his motion Justices of the Peace for said County) in the year of our Lord God 1680 and in the thirty-second year of the reign of our sovereign Lord, Charles The Second by the grace of God of Great Britain, Scotland and Ireland, King defender of the faith.
IN THE NAME OF GOD (amen) I William Hatcher being in perfect memory but now stricken in years do make my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. In prinks (?) I give and bequeath my spirit to Almighty God who gave it to me whensoever it shall please him to call me out of this sinful world and my body to the ground. Item: I give unto Thomas Burton, Jr. the plantation between the land of Mr. Henry Lound and the land of Gilbert Elam to wit: two hundred and twentysix acres, his choice of all my horses or mares, one heifer called blackchops, a young ewe, and a years schooling and clothes, till he reaches the age of seventeen years, to the confirmation of which I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this two and twentieth day of February, 1676/7.
Signed and sealed in the presence of:
John Pleasants, Henry Gee
Memorandum before the signing and sealing hereof, I do bequeath unto the above mentioned Thomas Burton Jr. the second choice of all my furniture thereunto belonging. s/Will Hatcher
Filed in Henrico County Court the first day of April 1680 by ye oath of Henry Gee and the testamony of John Pleasants who (being a Quaker) regused to sweare but only affirms that it to be Hatcher's deed, these two being witnesses to ye same.
Test: Hugh Davis, Dep Clerk of Court;



!NOTES:Karla Grant's 10x Great Grand Mother.;


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