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Robert Hensley (c1759-aft 1820) and wife Eleanor Covington of Culpeper and Washington Co., VA and Clark and Hopkins Co., KY and Washington and Jefferson Co., IL
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Robert Hensley is either an uncle to my ancestor Larkin Hensley or his brother. They are closely related regardless of which connection is true.
Special Thanks to Ruthe Muench and Laura Schreibman for information shared on this family.
Back to this Robert. He was born ca 1759, I believe. This is based on several records:
1. His first public records are from this 1780, so assuming he was 21 then, that means born ca 1759 or earlier. Of course he could have been a bit younger or older.
2. He was married by 1781, so at least 18 by then, which means born ca 1765 or earlier.
3. The 1782 tax list shows him as a tithable. This one didn’t specify whether that meant over 16 or over 21. If over 21, then born ca 1761 or earlier.
4. The 1810 census shows him over 45, so born before 1765.
5. The 1830 census shows him (or at least who we assume is him) as aged 70-79, or born ca 1750/1760.
Note: There was another Robert Hensley (c1760) almost exactly the same age as this one, so there is certainly a chance of mixing them up. The two cousins never lived in the same place as far as I’m aware but they were rather close at times, especially when this Robert lived in Washington Co., VA and bordering Sullivan Co., TN. The other one lived in Hawkins Co., TN at that time which bordered both of those counties. It’s hard to imagine the two men weren’t aware of one another, if not actually acquainted.
This Robert (c1759) is probably a son of one of the two William Hensleys (Sr and Jr). It is far from proven, but I strongly suspect he is a son of William Hensley (c1706-1777) of Culpeper Co., VA. There is also the possibility he’s a son of that William’s (unproven) son, also named William Hensley (c1730s-c1807). The younger William resided in Buckingham and Washington Co., VA.
The children and grandchildren of both Williams were closely associated in Washington Co., VA, which of course makes it hard to sort them out. The two William’s were probably married several times each, and had children across several decades with different wives. That means that the younger William had children older than his own half siblings. Very few of the children of these two men are actually proven. Thus, it is difficult to determine which of them is more likely to be Robert’s father. However, since the younger William (1730) went to Buckingham by 1772 and was still there through the 1790s, that gives the older William precedence since we don’t have any record of Robert being in Buckingham at all.
Then again, there is no reason to assume Robert couldn’t have been in Buckingham awhile then returned to Culpeper by 1780. Unfortunately both Culpeper and Buckingham have suffered massive record losses so we can’t prove Robert was in Buckingham, nor can we prove he wasn’t there. However, using the only records we have, and some supposition and associations, I think William Sr. is the more likely candidate for Robert’s father.
On 19 Jun 1780, Robert Hensley and Elizabeth Hensley were among the purchasers at the Culpeper Co., VA estate sale of John Berry. The big question here is which Elizabeth was this? Was it William Sr’s widow? If so, that definitely associates Robert with William Sr.
Or, could this be Elizabeth Hensley (bef 1765-aft 1810) who also later went to Washington Co., VA around the same time Robert did? That younger Elizabeth could be Robert’s sister or widowed-sister-in-law. We just don’t know which one was on the 1780 record. I would offer that William’s widow Elizabeth was not old enough to be Robert’s mother, so she would most likely be his step-mother. That would also explain why he apparently had no problem leaving her behind in Culpeper when he moved far away, apparently the last of the Hensleys to do so from this family. However, one little tidbit is of great interest to me. Maybe it’s a coincidence or maybe not. Robert named one of his sons “Leftridge” Hensley, born in the 1780s. That is a very unusual name in my experience. Where did it come from? Regardless, his “step mother” Elizabeth later named one of her own sons, via Benjamin Lillard, “Leftage Lillard” born ca 1792. This unusual name being used by both Robert and Elizabeth is very interesting. It almost suggests to me that perhaps she wasn’t Robert’s step mother, but his actual mother instead. However, I still don’t think she’s old enough for that. However, maybe she did help raise him, which of course depends on when she actually married his father.
In Dec 1780 Robert Hensley was paid for 9 days of service for collecting cattle in Culpeper Co., VA. (Abercrombie, Janice L. and Richard Slatter, Virginia Revolutionary Publick Claims, 1992.)
Robert Hensley married Eleanor Covington ca 1781 in Culpeper Co., VA. She is a daughter of William Covington as proven by his Will (see below).
Robert Hensley was listed on the 1782 personal property tax list in Culpeper. He had one tithable (himself), 1 horse and 2 cows. He was listed in John Slaughter’s district. He was the only Hensley listed in that district.
Robert Hensley was listed on the 1783 personal property tax list in Culpeper. He had one tithable over 21 (himself), 1 horse and 9 cows. He was listed in Benjamin Lillard’s district. Elizabeth Hensley (widow of William) was also listed. However, the list is alphabetical with no dates so we can’t tell if they paid their taxes at the same time.
William Covington made his Will on 11 Feb 1783 in Culpeper. He named his son Robert Covington, daughter Eleanor Hensley, brother Richard Covington, “my three youngest daughters” Grizzel Coper, Elizabeth Covington, Lucy Covington. As executors he named his son Robert Covington, Robert Hensley and William Covington. Witnesses were Francis Covington, Ezekiel Wright, John Wright and Agnes Hensley, who is Robert Hensley’s sister, I think. The Will was proven in court on 18 Aug 1784.
On 15 Aug 1783, Robert Hensley received a state land grant of 122 acres in Washington Co., VA on Beaver Creek, a branch of North Fork of Holston River. This land wasn't surveyed until 17 Jun 1797. As of the date of the grant, Robert still lived in Culpeper Co., VA most likely. He had several relatives already living in Washington by 1783.
On 18 Nov 1783 Robert Hensley was among the purchases at the Estate sale of George Calvert in Culpeper Co., VA.
Robert Hensley was listed on the 1784 personal property tax list in Culpeper. He had one tithable over 21 (himself), 1 horse and 7 cows. He was listed in Benjamin Lillard’s district again. This time he was the only Hensley listed in that district.
On 17 Aug 1784 George Calvert, Robert Hensley and Robert Covington appraised the estate of Carlisle Haynes, deceased, in Culpeper Co., VA.
At some point after the above record, Robert Hensley moved his family to Washington Co., VA where he joined several of his Hensley kin.
Robert Hansley was listed on the 1785 tax list in Washington Co., VA in James Fulkerson’s district with 1 white tithe, 2 horses and 2 cattle. Also listed were Fielding Hensley (c1761), Samuel Hensley (1754) and Joseph Hensley (1750), all closely related to him. If I have it all figured out correctly, Joseph was his brother whereas Samuel and Fielding were his nephews, despite Samuel being older than he. (There is no guarantee I’ve sorted them out correctly, though!)
On 9 Dec 1785 Robert Hensley and Joseph Hensley, residents of Washington Co., VA, signed a petition requesting the formation of a new county. This was Russell County which was actually created in 1786, but didn’t include the property where they themselves lived. They remained in Washington.
Robert Hensley was listed on the 1786 tax list in Washington Co., VA in James Fulkerson’s district with 1 white tithe, 1 horse and 2 cattle.
Robert Hensley is listed on the 1787 tax list in Washington Co., VA with 1 tithe (himself), no white tithes between 16 and 20, no slaves, 2 horses and 3 cattle.
Robert Hensley was listed on the 1788 tax list in Washington Co., VA in James Lathim’s district with 1 white tithe (himself), 2 horses. His entry was dated 26 May 1788.
Robert must have temporarily moved away from Washington Co., VA after the 1788 tax list, for he is not listed on the 1789, 1790 or 1791 tax lists in Washington Co., VA. I didn’t find him in any other Virginia county during those years either, nor in Kentucky. This suggests he was probably somewhere in Tennessee at the time which doesn’t have annual tax lists that survived.
The 1790 census is lost for Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee. It seems reasonable that Robert would have been listed somewhere in eastern Tennessee then. I could be wrong of course.
Robert Hensley was listed in Tract entry book for a 280 acre warrant (# 9438 and 2535). The land was on waters of Neels Creek, a branch of Beaver Creek, Elliots Corner, Alexander McDonald's Line. Surveyed 9 Mar 1791.
Robert Hencley was back for the 1792 tax list in Washington Co., VA. He was listed in Walter Preston’s district with 1 white tithe (himself), and 3 horses. Despite having entered some land in 1791, he is not listed on the land tax list for this year, which means it probably hadn’t been granted to him yet.
Robert somehow managed to avoid being listed on any other Washington Co., VA personal property tax lists after 1792 until 1801. This suggests he wasn’t living in the county during the 1790s. However, there are several land records which do show him as a resident of that county. I can’t explain why he didn’t appear on the tax list unless he’d been exempted from paying taxes by the court for some reason. It seems more likely he was living just across the state line in Sullivan Co., TN, but close enough to still do business in Washington Co., VA.
On 21 May 1793 Robert Hensley was named as the Executor of the estate of Alexander McDonald in his Will in Washington Co., VA. The Will was witnessed by Ephraim Smith, Alley E. Smith, and Mary McDonald.
On 17 Sep 1793 Robert Hensley and wife Eleanor Hensley of Washington Co., VA sold 41 acres to John Strother in Culpeper Co., VA. (Culpeper Co., VA Deed Book R page 597, shared by Laura Schreibman)
On 17 Oct 1793 Robert Hensley of Washington Co., VA sold land to John Strothers in Culpeper Co., VA. (Culpeper Co., VA Deed Book R page 597).
On 9 May 1794 Robert Hensley received a State Land Grant of 280 acres on Steels Creek in Washington Co., VA. It was based on Treasury Warrants # 9438 and # 2535. (Land Office Grants No. 46, 1797-1801, p. 403 (Reel 112)).
On 1 Sep 1794 Ephraim Smith sold Robert Hensley 100 1/4 acres of land in Sullivan Co., TN on waters of Beaver Creek (which flows in both Sullivan Co., TN and Washington Co., VA). Witnessed by Henry Harkelroad and Samuel C. Hensley. (Samuel is Robert’s son.)
On 22 Jun 1796 Robert Hensley was recommended as a Lieutenant in the Washington Co., VA militia, Capt. Walter Preston's Company, 2nd Battalion, 70th Regiment. (Clark, Gerald H. The Militia of Washington County, VA Officers 1777-1835 Militia Men 1798-1835. 1979)
On 14 May 1798 Robert Hensley and Ellioner his wife of Washington Co., VA sold 280 acres on Steel Creek in Sullivan Co., TN to Daniel Steel of Sullivan Co., TN. (Washington Co., VA Deed Book 2 page 127)
On 18 Oct 1798 Robert Hensley was recommended as a Captain in the Washington Co., VA militia, in room of Walter Preston who was removed. (Clark, Gerald H. The Militia of Washington County, VA Officers 1777-1835 Militia Men 1798-1835. 1979)
On 20 Mar 1799 the 70th Regiment was divided to create the 105th Regiment. Robert Hensley's company was assigned 2nd Battalion, 105th Regiment. (Clark, Gerald H. The Militia of Washington County, VA Officers 1777-1835 Militia Men 1798-1835. 1979)
The 1800 census is lost for Virginia and Tennessee. Would Robert have been listed in Washington Co., VA or Sullivan Co., TN? Hard to say. Since he wasn’t on the 1800 tax list in Washington, I’d go with Sullivan as his place of residence.
On 7 Nov 1800 Robert Hensley received a State Land Grant of 122 acres on Beaver Creek in Washington Co., VA. It was based on Treasury Warrant # 2535 issued 15 Aug 1783. (Land Office Grants No. 46, 1797-1801, p. 403 (Reel 112)).
On 7 Jul 1801 Robert Hensley and Elioner his wife deeded property to Samuel Hensley of Washington Co., VA. This is their son Samuel C. Hensley. (Washington Co., VA Deed Book 2 page 440)
Robert Hensley was listed as a Washington Co., VA Militiaman in 1801 in the 105th Regiment. A Robert Hensley Jr was listed that same year in the same regiment, 2nd Battalion. Robert Jr was probably Robert's son who would have been militia age by then. (Clark, Gerald H. The Militia of Washington County, VA Officers 1777-1835 Militia Men 1798-1835. 1979)
Robert Hensly is listed on the 1801 tax list in Washington Co., VA with 1 tithe (himself), no horses or cattle. I suspect this might be Robert’s son, Robert Jr., due to the lack of horses and cattle. Or, it could be Robert Sr., but his livestock was in Sullivan Co., TN so not taxable in VA.
On 25 May 1802 Robert Hensley of Washington Co., VA sold 25 acres in Sullivan Co., TN to Michael Hickman. (Sullivan Co., TN Deed Book 4 page 437)
Robert Hensly is listed on the 1802 land tax list in Washington Co., VA with 122 acres. He is not on the personal property tax list that year, or ever again, actually.
Robert Hensly is listed on the 1803 land tax list in Washington Co., VA with 122 acres.
On 27 Aug 1803 Robert Hensley of Washington Co., VA sold 75 1/4 acres on Beaver Creek in Sullivan Co., TN to Fredrick Leonard. (Sullivan Co., TN Deed Book 4 page 524)
It was around this time (1803) that Robert moved his family to Clark Co., KY. Clark is next door to Montgomery Co., KY where his brother Joseph had moved a few years earlier. Robert’s son Samuel C. Hensley moved there (to Montgomery) ca 1802.
Robert Hensley was listed on the 1803 tax list in Clark Co., KY with 30 acres on Strodes Creek, 1 white male over 21 (himself), 1 white male between 16 and 21 (a son probably), 3 horses, and no slaves. No other Hensleys were listed.
Robert Hensly is listed on the 1804 land tax list in Washington Co., VA with 122 acres. He isn’t on the personal property tax list for he no longer lived in the state.
Robert Hensley was listed on the 1804 tax list in Clark Co., KY with 33 acres on Strodes Creek, 1 white male over 21 (himself), 2 white males between 16 and 21 (sons probably), 3 horses, and no slaves. No other Hensleys were listed.
On 25 Jun 1804 Samuel Hensely of Montgomery Co., KY gave power of attorney to "father" Robert Hensley of Washington Co., VA. It appeared that Robert Hensley had temporarily gone back to Washington Co., VA by this time, or the date of this deed is off somewhat. (Washington Co., VA Deed Book 3 page 359)
Robert Hensly is listed on the 1805 land tax list in Washington Co., VA with 122 acres.
Robert Hensley was listed on the 1805 tax list in Clark Co., KY with 33 acres on Strodes Creek, 1 white male over 21 (himself), 1 white male between 16 and 21 (a son probably), 2 horses, and no slaves. No other Hensleys were listed.
Robert Hensley was listed on the 1806 tax list in Clark Co., KY with 33 acres on Strodes Creek, 1 white male over 21 (himself), 2 horses, and no slaves. No other Hensleys were listed.
Robert Hensely is listed on the 1806 land tax list in Washington Co., VA with 122 acres.
Robert Hensley was listed on the 1807 tax list in Clark Co., KY with 33 acres on Strodes Creek, 1 white male over 21 (himself), 1 white male between 16 and 21 (a son probably), and 3 horses. No other Hensleys were listed.
On 5 Sep 1807 John Street (or Shreel?) and wife Elizabeth and Robert Hensley and wife Elinor of Clark Co., KY sold 33 acres on Strodes Creek to William Broughton. (No book and page reference listed on deed.) **** Why the joint deed? Were they related? ****
Robert Hensely is listed on the 1807 land tax list in Washington Co., VA with 122 acres.
Robert Hensley was listed on the 1808 tax list in Clark Co., KY with 1 white male over 21 (himself), and 2 horses. He had no land listed which gibes with him having sold his 33 acres the year before. Joseph Hensley (his son) was also listed.
Robert Hensly is listed on the 1809 land tax list in Washington Co., VA with 122 acres. This was the last time he was listed.
Neither Robert nor Joseph are listed on the 1809 or 1810 tax lists in Clark Co., KY. It was during that period that they moved to Hopkins Co., KY which is western Kentucky, far from Clark County. There were no Hensleys in Hopkins on the 1807 or 1808 tax lists. Unfortunately the 1809 and 1810 lists are missing. Robert was almost certainly there for those.
Robert is listed there for the 1810 census. No other Hensleys were listed in that county at the time.
1810 Census, Hopkins Co., KY, p. 493, Robt Hensley age 45+ (before 1765)
Age and Approximate Birth Range |
Who each person *might* be |
1m 45 and up (before 1765) |
Robert Hensley (c1759) |
3m 16-25 (1784/1794) |
1. Son? 2. Son? 3. Son? |
1f 45 and up (before 1765) |
Eleanor Covington Hensley (bef 1765) wife |
1f 16-25 (1784/1794) |
Daughter? |
Robert Hensley was listed on the 1811 Hopkins Co., KY tax list with 180 acres on West Clear Creek; 1 white male over 21, and 3 horses. His sons William Hensley and Joseph Hensley were also listed.
Robert Hensley was on the 1812 Hopkins Co., KY tax list with 80 acres on Tradewater (River), 1 white male over 21 and 1 horse. Sons Leftridge and Joseph were also listed.
Robert Hensley was on the 1813 Hopkins Co., KY tax list with 200 acres on Richland (Creek?), 1 white male over 21 and 3 horses. Sons Leftridge and Joseph were also listed.
Unfortunately, the 1814 tax list was damaged possibly from water or prolonged exposure to sunlight and is too dim to read. I would assume Robert and sons were listed but I wasn’t able to make out their entries.
Robert Hensley was on the 1815 Hopkins Co., KY tax list with 100 acres on Tradewater, 1 white male over 21 and 1 horse. Sons Leftridge and Joseph were also listed.
Robert Hensley was on the 1816 Hopkins Co., KY tax list with 96 acres. I couldn’t make out the body of water. It wasn’t Tradewater or Richland. He was taxed for 1 white male over 21 and 1 horse. Sons Leftridge and Joseph were also listed.
On 15 Aug 1816 Joseph Hensley and wife Lucy, and Robert Hensley of Hopkins Co., KY sold 200 acres to Joseph Reed. The deed was signed by Joseph Hensley, Lucy (her mark) Hensley and Robert Hensley. The fact that Eleanor didn't sign may indicate she had died by this time. (Hopkins Co., KY Deed Book 1 page 401, shared by Laura Schreibman)
Robert Hensley was on the 1817 Hopkins Co., KY tax list with 96 acres on Tradewater, 1 white male over 21 and 1 horse. Sons Leftridge and Joseph were also listed.
The 1818 tax list is missing for Hopkins Co., KY. None of the Hensleys were listed in Hopkins for the 1819 or 1820 tax lists.
It was around this time (1817-1818) when the Hensleys moved several miles to the northwest into Washington Co., IL.
Robert Hensley is listed on the Illinois state census of 1818 in Washington County. He had 2 white males over 21, 3 other white persons, and no blacks. He was listed next to John Hensley with 3 white males over 21, 7 other whites and no blacks. I don’t know who John Hensley is. I can’t help but wonder if this should be Joseph Hensley? The version I read was a transcript, not the original.
Jefferson Co., IL was created in 1819 from Edwards, and shared a border with Washington. The Hensleys were in neighboring Jefferson for the 1820 tax list.
Though the tax list proves he was in Jefferson in 1820, he was not listed the US census for that year. That probably means he was residing with one of his children. It seems likely he was with his son Leftridge, for he has an “extra” older man with him aged 45 and up (born before 1775) who fits to be Robert, but not Leftridge himself. There was also a woman that age with him, which could be Leftridge’s mother Eleanor.
Marion County was formed in 1823 from the northern part of Jefferson and part of Fayette. Some of the Hensleys fell into the new county or else moved there prior to 1830.
I didn’t find Robert Hensley on the 1830 census, but his son Joseph was listed in Marion and had an older male, 70-79 (c1750/60) residing with him. That would probably be Robert unless it’s Joseph’s father-in-law or some other relative instead. There was no older woman with them, so that probably means Eleanor Covington Hensley had died in the 1820s, probably in Marion Co., IL.
I haven’t yet found any further trace of Robert, so he probably died sometime soon after 1830.
Robert Hensley didn’t leave a Will, nor have any probate records been located so far. However, we have one proven son (Samuel) and five more who are almost certainly his children. They are proven (more or less) by them always being near him and associated with him through multiple counties and states and by other associations among each other.
1. Samuel C. Hensley (c1781-1805)
2. Robert Hensley (Jr) (c1780/85-aft 1802)
3. Joseph Hensley (c1784-1854)
4. Leftridge Hensley (1780/90-c1855)
6. Eleanor Hensley (1784/94-aft 1820)
Samuel C. Hensley was born ca 1781 in Culpeper Co., VA. He married Mary — before 1801 either in Washington Co., VA or Montgomery Co., KY where he died in 1805. See their own page for more information.
Robert Hensley (Jr) was born ca 1780/85 in Culpeper or Washington Co., VA. He was last found in 1802 Clark Co., KY. See his own page for more information.
Joseph Hensley was born ca 1784 in Culpeper or Washington Co., VA. He married Lucy Covington in 1808 Madison Co., KY. See their own page for more information.
Leftridge Hensley was born ca 1780/90 probably in Washington Co., VA. He married Philadelphia Brown in Hopkins Co., KY. See their own page for more information.
William Hensley was born ca 1790 in Washington Co., VA. He was last found in 1815 Hopkins Co., KY. See his own page for more information.
Eleanor Hensley was born ca 1784/94 in Washington Co., VA. She married Felix McBride on 10 Oct 1811 in Hopkins Co., KY. They, with her father and some of the siblings, moved to Illinois shortly thereafter. She apparently died in childbirth.
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Revised: October 30, 2021
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