Roberts Genealogy - Eastern NC and Eastern SC

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Roberts Genealogy - Eastern North Carolina and Eastern South Carolina

Welcome to my Roberts web pages. I have another Roberts line, not related to this one. Click here for more on the Roberts of Western NC.

My Roberts lineage begins with Rachel Roberts (c1831-c1872) who married William Edwards ca 1846 in Wayne Co., NC. She is a child of Richard Roberts (c1790-1875) and Rebecca Hobson who married ca 1824 in Wayne Co., NC. Richard's parents are not proven but I think he is a son of Henry Roberts (c1775-1831) and his first wife, a Miss Nixon of Wayne Co., NC.

Henry is a son of John Roberts (c1748-1803) and Nancy (---) of Wayne Co., NC. John's parents aren't proven but he may be related to the numerous Roberts that originated in Craven and Carteret Counties.


Roberts DNA Project - Use DNA testing to break down your genealogical brick walls and find out which genetic branch of the family you are part of. Click link for details. I'm not involved in the Roberts project, but I highly recommend it.  No one from my line has tested yet.

Roberts is the 43rd most common surname in America. (Source: Name Statistics)